Ecommerce Encyclopedia

‟Ecommerce is a powerful means to connect the unconnected to global trade” - Arancha Gonzalez

What is breadcrumb navigation?

Breadcrumb is a sort of site navigation that helps users locate where they are on a site among the hierarchy of pages. The term originated from Hansel and Gretel’s tale, in which the kids left breadcrumbs on the road to track their way back home. Breadcrumb helps to simplify the user’s experience on an eCommerce site. Through breadcrumb navigation, users can easily navigate back and forth without having to examine the URL structure. 

1. Different kinds of breadcrumbs on Page Design

  • The location/hierarchy based Breadcrumbs:

Location-based breadcrumbs support us to have a look to a wider category from the page that they are visiting. Consider someone searching for a product on Google, and they find a search result and land on one of your product pages. However, they are not satisfied with that product and want to see more choices. With hierarchy-based breadcrumbs, the user can easily get back to that page (the main category page) or the side page (sub-category).

  • Path/history-based breadcrumbs 

These breadcrumbs share the same usefulness as the browser back button which is letting users go back to one of the previous pages that they just visited. Breadcrumbs are especially useful when customers get to the product page after filtering the results on the category page. By the usage of History-based breadcrumbs, we can go back to the category page and look for other options and do the filter again.

The most common form of history-based breadcrumbs is the ‘Back To Results’ link.   

  • Attribute-Based Breadcrumbs 

Attribute-based breadcrumb classifies the categories to a particular page or most frequent goods since this breadcrumb type is most suitable and viable for e-commerce pages. Attribute-based breadcrumb is helping us by making the users understand the link between items and allow different suggestions. 

2. Benefits of using Breadcrumbs

  • Favored by Google: Breadcrumbs assist Google by understanding the format of your website and not to mention that Google uses it as the search results as well. As a result, it is best to add structured data on your website to get the attention of Google! 
  • Giving visitors a better experience: there is no need to click the back button as Breadcrumb is a tool to make sure that the users are not getting lost on a “jungle” of products.

Finally, your site will lose nothing but also be more convenient for users by giving them an easy way to navigate the site and knowing how your site functions as well as having the recognition of Google is another useful thing every site always loves to get.